Le cours TéléConnexion sera offert pour la première fois à Ottawa cet hiver grâce au soutien du Fonds communautaire Bell Cause pour la cause. Les cours se donneront chaque samedi matin pendant 12 semaines, du 12 janvier au 30 mars. Les candidats peuvent utiliser le formulaire de demande d'admission habituel, disponible sur le site Web de Réso-TPL.

Public Lecture

The Royal, Auditorium, 1145 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, ON K1Z 7K4

Wednesday, October 17, 2018 7:00 PM

Stepped Care for Borderline Personality Disorder

Dr. Ronald Fraser, MD, CSPQ, FRCPC

Head, Inpatient Detoxification Services, Addictions Unit Director,

Le réseau d’Ottawa pour le trouble de personnalité limite

Just a short bulletin for now as many organizations take a summer hiatus.

Updates from the Ottawa Network for Borderline Personality Disorder:

News from our Partners:

If you have news that would be of interest to us or our members, please send it to webservices@on-bpd.ca.

Following are some news stories from us, as well as some bulletins we've received from our partners that may be of interest to you.

Updates from the Ottawa Network for Borderline Personality Disorder:

News from our Partners:

If you have news that would be of interest to us or our members, please send it to webservices@on-bpd.ca.

Following are some news stories from us, as well as some bulletins we've received from our partners that may be of interest to you.

Updates from the Ottawa Network for Borderline Personality Disorder:

News from our Partners:

If you have news that would be of interest to us or our members, please send it to webservices@on-bpd.ca.


Following are some news stories from us, as well as some bulletins we've received that may be of interest to you.

Updates from the Ottawa Network for Borderline Personality Disorder:

News from our partners:

If you have news that would be of interest to us or our members, please send it to webservices@on-bpd.ca.



In alignment with the ON-BPD 3-year strategy and business plans, we support the expansion of the Family Connections® course in nearby areas. As a result of the Family Connections leader training program in Ottawa in September, there are now three new leaders in the Cornwall area. We are delighted to report that the first Family Connections course in Cornwall began on February 20, 2018. You may want to bookmark (or share) this page to find out when future courses will run. 

When: Tuesday evenings
Schedule: Weekly meetings for 12 weeks
Location: Community Addiction and Mental Health Services
                  850 McConnell Avenue
                  Cornwall, Ontario  K6H 4M3

We congratulate the Cornwall team on their initiative and wish them much success as they present this valuable course to family members. 

To apply: Please download and complete the application form (one application for each person who would like to attend) and send it by email to Sharyn.duffey@cornwallhospital.ca

The following letter to the editor was published in the Ottawa Citizen.

18 Nov. 2017
Ottawa Citizen

Re: Here's why we should stop planning for a new jail, Nov 9, 2017.
