Public Lecture: How to Make a Self-Regulation Map and Find Your Way Back to Calm

Public Lecture
Wednesday, June 15, 2022, 7:00 PM
Crisis and Coping Plans Don’t Work? How to Make a Self-Regulation Map and Find Your Way Back to Calm
Dr. Michael Cheng
Psychiatrist, Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario
Associate Professor, University of Ottawa

Advance Registration: Advance Registration is required using this link:


In order to help people in emotional distress, healthcare professionals have historically used "coping plans" and "crisis plans" to help people cope. Such coping plans are filled with well-meaning suggestions like "do deep breathing" or "go for a walk". However, many people will tell you, that "when I’m upset, don’t tell me to do deep breathing!" It’s not that deep breathing doesn’t work, it’s that for many people, it might work in the "green zone" (calm and logical), but not when they are in "yellow" (sad, anxious, upset, frustrated) or "red" (full-blown fight/flight/freeze). Self-regulation mapping is a simple yet powerful strategy that allows us to understand and customize what works for people, depending on what zone they are in. This presentation will give an overview of self-regulation and self-regulation mapping.

The Lecturer

Michael Cheng is a child and family psychiatrist at CHEO, and a pandemic parent of two school aged children. He works with children, youth and families by helping them self-regulate, and reconnect to people and activities that give purpose, hope, belonging and meaning.

This Public Lecture is free of charge and open to all.

The Ottawa Network for Borderline Personality Disorder, a registered charity for family members and caregivers, acknowledges with gratitude the support of the Ottawa Community Foundation and the Bell Let’s Talk Community Fund in making this Public Lecture possible.