Ottawa Network for Borderline Personality Disorder | Le réseau d’Ottawa pour le trouble de personnalité limite

Free Public Lecture 

Wednesday, June 17, 2020
7:00 PM

Borderline Personality Disorder – A Model for Care

Dr. Deanna Mercer, MD, FRCPC* and Dr. Heidi King, MD, FRCPC**


As we continue to deal with COVID-19, coping with different challenges remains relevant to many. Below is an infographic created in collaboration by the Mental Health Commission of Canada and the Canadian Centre for Substance Abuse and Addictions, which addresses coping with stress, anxiety and substance abuse specifically. 


For the month of May, we have three useful resources to share from the Royal! The resource list previously posted has been updated and can be found below with the new additions highlighted in yellow. The Family Voice Bulletin, Issue 4 is also included with interesting discussion on stigma. Lastly, the Family Support Group via Zoom is continuing to be offered and has received reviews through this blog post. This month’s topics are as follows:

Happy BPD Awareness Month! To celebrate this month, the NEABPD is sharing various happenings pertaining to BPD, which you can find through their website.
Highlights include:

  • A Skill a Day in the month of May
  • Show BPD support with the purchase of great items
  • BPD awareness wristbands
  • Webinars and podcasts

Hi everyone- I hope you are all well! 

I am excited to talk up (unsolicited) the Wellness Together Portal, recently launched by Health Canada which offers free e-mental health supports and virtual counselling services to Canadians.

Being the curious person I am, I immediately signed up to check it out. I was pleasantly surprised to be invited to complete an assessment which provided instant feedback that hit the bullseye! I was then invited to explore three paths:


Today marks the start of National Volunteer Week in Canada.  I wish to acknowledge and applaud the tireless efforts of all volunteers in our community and, closer to my heart, those serving and supporting families through the work of the Family and Client Advisory Councils at The Royal and the Ottawa Network for Borderline Personality Disorder.  

The Royal’s Caring for Caregivers Family Support Program has started a Family Support group via Zoom. Below you will find the PDF including guidelines for the group, as well as compiled lists of resources and online activities to support individuals through this time.

For the time being, are offering their individual rental videos for free (regularly $5.99) using this coupon code: TW620. NEA-BPD has endorsed the videos offered. 


Below are summary notes prepared by Winston Revie, Board Member and Past President of ON-BPD, of the recent McGill University Webinar about managing anxiety during a pandemic. Included in the summary is how to address different challenges during this pandemic and the best ways to manage the anxiety and stress involved. You may also watch the webinar.

Ways to Support Ourselves and Our Loved Ones who have Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Dysregulation

NEABPD is offering a webinar series to educate and provide skills to those struggling with a loved one who has characteristics of BPD and/or emotion dysregulation.  This is for people who have yet to participate in Family Connections™ or for those who need a refresher.
