Message from our President
22 December 2022
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
—Margaret Mead, anthropologist and recipient of the Planetary Citizen of the Year Award, 1978
Margaret Mead’s quote comes to mind as I reflect upon the impact and influence of ON-BPD’s growing community of caring. From our humble beginnings led by a small and dedicated team of 4 in 2004 to our still humble and increasingly diverse volunteer Board of Directors and active roster of 30+ Course Leaders, our impact and influence in the community continues to grow.
Consider that in 2018, our roster counted 16 active Course Leaders and that we hosted 5 Family Connections courses supporting 65 family members. This past fall 2022 and winter 2023, we will have hosted 14 courses supporting 182 family members. Imagine the ripple effect on our community when graduates use the acquired knowledge and skills to improve their relationship with a loved one and influence others within their family and immediate community. 2022 will close with an ON-BPD mailing subscriber base of nearly 1200, after hundreds attended our three public lectures while graduates participated in our newly launched Supportive Connections, brushing up on skills and exchanging with peers.
Our Board of Directors draw from broader stakeholder perspectives which combine to strengthen our voice and expand our reach. Collectively we unite to generate awareness and debunk myths about BPD, to reduce stigma, increase access to more suitable care, and build hope for better tomorrows and lives worth living.
In 2023, we will develop our next strategic plan and I would love to hear from you on what programming, partnerships or activities we could undertake to take our impact and influence to the next level. Your emails are welcome! Ultimately, our goal is to ensure families and the community have what they need to better connect with and support our loved ones.
I would like to express my sincere thanks and appreciation for our members, volunteers, graduates, funders, donors, and partners in the health sector who all contribute to making ON-BPD’s work in the community possible and meaningful.
On behalf of the ON-BPD Board, best wishes to you and your families for the holiday season and throughout 2023. May you experience many moments of joy, peace, and good health.
Michèle Langlois
President, ON-BPD