ON-BPD News | 2016, Issue 6

ON-BPD News banner

Following are some news stories from us, as well as some bulletins we've received that may be of interest to you. If you have news that would be of interest to us or our members, please send it to webservices@on-bpd.ca.

ON-BPD Updates:

News from our partners:


Annual General Meeting

ON-BPD held its annual general meeting on Wednesday, June 15, 2016. Highlights include the following:

Board of Directors

The election of the Board of Directors was held and each person was voted in unanimously. The new Board took office on June 16, 2016.  Following is the list of board members (surnames are withheld to protect their privacy):

  • Immediate Past President - Winston
  • President - Michèle
  • Vice President - Erin
  • Treasurer - Sue
  • Secretary - Madonna

Call for Volunteers

In order to grow our organizations, more volunteers are needed. The following positions are available: 

  • Membership Chair (to review the process of renewing/growing membership and fundraising)
  • Program Chair (to help develop and present new programs)
  • Family Advisory Committee Liaison (to attend meetings of the Family Advisory Committee and report back to the ON-BPD Board)

If you are interested in helping support this growing organization, please contact Michèle at michele@on-bpd.ca.

Family Connections

ON-BPD is now accepting applications to participate in our fall session of Family Connections. Family Connections is a 12-week program designed to provide the adult family members and spouses of individuals with emotion dysregulation or borderline personality disorder with knowledge and skills for their own well-being and for better understanding their loved one.

The fall sessions will run from Saturday, September 17 to Saturday, December 10. (There will be no class on Thanksgiving weekend.) Two classes will run this fall, one from 9:30 a.m. to noon, and the other from 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Attendance at all twelve sessions is required.

To apply, please download and complete the application form, and send it by e-mail to info@on-bpd.ca.

Continuing Connections

ON-BPD recently launched a new initiative aimed at providing ongoing support and refreshment of skills for former Family Connections participants. The “Continuing Connections” pilot session was held on May 14, 2016 with more than 30 people in attendance. Verbal and online feedback told us that participants appreciated “connecting with others, sharing experiences and refreshing some skills that may have gotten rusty.” Participants also made suggestions for future topics.
Unanimously, all participants agreed that “regular sessions of this sort would be very helpful and appreciated.”

The Board of Directors has agreed to support the development and delivery of Continuing Connections on a quarterly basis with focus on one specific skill set and plenty of opportunity for open dialogue.
Based on feedback received, the next two sessions have been arranged as follows:

Radical Acceptance
Saturday, September 24, 2016
1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Relationship Mindfulness
Saturday, December 3, 2016
1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Stay tuned for further updates and registration for these “Continuing Connections” events!

Resources on the ON-BPD Website | Ressources disponibles sur le site web du RésO-TPL

Have you had a chance to check out the wealth of resources available on our website? We have curated a list of resources including books, videos, and organizations that can help you cope with a loved one's mental illness. Take a minute to browse -- and if you have any recommendations, please let us know!


Avez-vous eu l'occasion de vérifier la richesse des ressources disponibles sur notre site? Nous avons organisé une liste de ressources, y compris des livres, des vidéos et des organismes qui peuvent vous aider à faire face à la maladie mentale d'un proche. Prenez une minute pour parcourir - et si vous avez des recommandations, s'il vous plaît laissez-nous savoir!

World Suicide Prevention Day, September 9 | la Journée mondiale de la prévention du suicide, le 9 septembre

Please join the Ottawa Suicide Prevention Coalition for a free bilingual breakfast event on September 9th at 8:00 a.m. to commemorate World Suicide Prevention Day. Please see attached poster.

Registration by e-mail reception-t@cmhaottawa.ca or by calling 613-737-7791


SVP, joignez-vous à la Coalition pour la prévention du suicide d’Ottawa, le 9 septembre à 8h00  pour un petit déjeuner causerie bilingue et gratuit pour commémorer la Journée Mondiale de la Prévention du Suicide. (voir l’affiche)
Inscription par courriel reception-t@cmhaottawa.ca ou en composant le  613 737-7791.

Groupe de soutien francophone pour parents

En collaboration avec l'Hôpital Montfort, PLEO (Parents Lifeline of Eastern Ontario) a le plaisir d'annoncer un nouveau groupe de soutien francophone confidentiel pour parents et proches aidants d'ados ou jeunes adultes (agés de16 à 24 ans) et composant avec des troubles de santé mentale et/ou de toxicomanie.

Quand:    4e jeudi de chaque mois.  Débutant le 28 juillet, 2016 - 18h30 à 20h30
Où:           Hôpital Montfort - 713, chemin Montréal, Ottawa  Salle OOB180.

Aucune inscription requise  -  Passes de stationnement seront fournies. « Une opportunité d’échanger des stratégies et des mécanismes de soutien, d’explorer le réseau de services et de se concentrer sur l’autothérapie. »

Information:   Lucie Bruneau:  613-321-3211  lucie@pleo.on.ca

Free Walk-in Counselling | Clinique de counseling sans rendez-vous, sans frais

With many locations throughout the region, The Walk-In Counselling Clinic provides immediate counselling services to individuals, couples, and families. The walk-in sessions are free to all members of the community, with no restrictions based on age or location/address and no need for an appointment. The Walk-In Counselling Clinic is open to Ontario residents within the Champlain LHIN.


For more information and locations, visit walkincounselling.com.


La clinique de counseling sans rendez-vous offre des services de counseling immédiats pour les individus, les couples et les familles. Les séances de sans rendez-vous sont gratuites pour tous les membres de la communauté, sans aucune restriction. La clinique de counseling sans rendez-vous offre ses services aux résidents de l’Ontario au sein du RLISS de Champlain
Pour de plus amples informations et endroits visitez walkincounselling.com/fr.

Self-Harm: Information for Adults

Written by the eMental-Health team at CHEO.

Some people use self-harm as a way of coping with difficult feelings or stressful situations when they are overwhelmed. Unfortunately, self-harm usually ends up causing more problems and is ultimately not helpful. The good news, is that there are many other ways to cope and manage with difficult feelings and stresses. This article offers specific suggestions of what to say and do, to help, as a parent.

Click here for the full article.

Family Peer Support Groups

Two ongoing weekly drop-in family support groups for Friends and Family of people experiencing mental health challenges. The atmosphere is very relaxing, supportive, and non-judgemental. Every second week we offer conversation topics such as communication strategies, boundaries, letting go of control, managing guilt etc. Join us for a cup of coffee, snack, sense of community, companionship and support.

Click here to view/download current calendar (Mondays)
Click here to view/download current calendar (Wednesdays)

Videos for Families

The National Education Alliance for Borderline Personality Disorder has developed a number of videos that you may find helpful. Check them out on their website.

Free Webinar: After All of This Treatment, Why Isn't She/He Better?

The McLean Hospitalès Family Education Initiative offers live webinars geared toward family members of loved ones with borderline personality disorder and are available free of charge. Advance registration is suggested.

Upcoming Webinar: “After All of This Treatment, Why Isn't She/He Better? Common Causes of Treatment Resistance and Possible Solutions”

Presented by: Christopher M. Palmer, MD, Director, Department of Postgraduate and Continuing Education

Date: Wednesday, September 14, 2016 4-5 pm EST

Dr. Palmer will discuss common reasons for treatment-resistant borderline personality disorder (i.e., symptoms not getting better after one or more years of treatment) and strategies that can be used to address these challenges/obstacles. Webinar participants will be encouraged to ask questions.

For more information, including archives of previous webinars, or to register, visit the McLean Hospital website.